Learn how to cut melamine without chipping. Essential tips on tools, techniques, and preparation for perfect, clean cuts in your projects.

Melamine is a type of laminate bonded to particle board or MDF. It has a hard surface resistant to scratches.

To cut melamine without chipping follow these steps: secure the board.

Apply tape to the cut line. Masking tape or painters tape will hold the melamine in place while cutting.

Make sure you choose the right blade for the job. You will need a blade with a high tooth count.

Protect the finished side of the melamine by facing the finished side into the blade.

Make a scoring cut before fully cutting the melamine.

Adjust your blade height as needed and use a track with handheld saws.

Finish the melamine edges with banding.

Cover any imperfections with a paint pen.

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Swipe up to see more about CUTTING MELAMINE And much more here!!