xTool m1: Laser Cutting for Beginners

Want to explore the world of laser cutting without the huge price tag? Check out the xTool M1 and all its features in this review!

The xTool M1 machine combines blade cutting and laser cutting in one streamlined sleek package.

xTool M1

Setup was a breeze. Attach a vent hose to keep your space free of any residual smoke from the laser cutter.


The machine is sleek and compact, about the size of a printer. The glass top allows you to monitor your project while cutting.


The xTool M1 machine comes with it's own software, like Design Space. It is not compatible with other software.


The xTool M1 machine does many functions like: scoring, engraving, and cutting. My first project incorporated all three.


The machine can be used to cut vinyl as well, like these vinyl letters to organize my craft cart.

Testing 2

The xTool M1 machine is pretty affordable when compared to the Glowforge. At $1000 it does the work of both a laser cutter and Cricut machine.


The machine was fairly easy to use which is a plus! The cut quality was great, especially when I added the air assist attachment.

Ease of Use

Swipe up to see more about the xTool M1 and much more here!!

Swipe up to see more about the xTool M1 and much more here!!